Thursday, August 5, 2010

The Game Show Only JP Would Win

So I'm terrible at names.  Not just people I've met but people I've known for years.  Also people on TV and movies.  Also the names of said movies and TV shows.

I am however very good with faces.  Really good with faces, which is why I haven't pissed off every friend  and acquaintance I have. 

So the following are typical examples of the conversations JP (fiance and all around awesome dude) and I have while watching a show or movie:

Scenario 1

Me:  Hey, it's that guy!  You know.., he's in that movie where he kills himself and he's in college or something.

JP:  Huh?

Me:  And he's on that show with the angry man.

JP:  Robert Sean Leonard?

Me:  Yeah!

Scenario 2

Me:  Hey, it's that guy!  From that show you like with the alien robots?

JP:  James Callis?

Me:  Yeah?

JP:  Battlestar Galactica.

Me:  Yeah, that one!

Scenario 3

Me:  Hey, it's that lady!  You know, she was on that superman show.

JP:  ...

Me:  Uhm.., and that show with the.., ladies?  Uhm.., you know, one looks like an alligator, the other one looks plastic?

JP:  Sex in the City?

Me:  No, she looks like a horse and the other one looks like a drug addict.  I'm talking about the one with apples?  And they don't have jobs or something?

JP:  Desperate Housewives?

Me:  Yeah!

JP:  Teri Hatcher?

Me:  Yeah!

I really don't think anyone else could understand the way my brain remembers things except JP. 

Also, this is a few examples of how I have people listed in my cell phone so I can remember who they are when they call or secret nicknames I've given them to jog my memory:

Chris - Artist, Sally's

Chris - Good cook, Diana's

Chris - Navy

Chris - Stupid

Cliff - Atari  (Atari is my way of abbreviating someone who gets up in my personal space too much.  As in space invader.  Usually a hugger.  Get it?)

Joe - White trash

Joe - Car fixer

Amy - DA DNR (Drug Addict - Do Not Resuscitate as in do not answer the phone.)

Johnny - Stinky Squirrel Pants

Josh - King Tut

John - French Jesus

Julie - MHI DNR (Mental Health Issues)


  1. If this were in fact a game show, I would totally be the Ken Jennings of it.

    He's that guy who won a lot on that quiz show with the guy who had a mustache but doesn't anymore.

  2. The one with the rows of questions and was all like "Doo doo doo doo-doo doo doo, doo doo doo doo doo! Doo-doo-doo-doo-doo" and they won money?

  3. I daren't even figure out what my name is tagged with. :P

  4. Well, you are Squid, duh! You came preloaded with a nickname. Less work for me, yay!

  5. stopping by from SITS - my husband and I take turns playing that game... I love for helping deal with the trickier pieces of the puzzle....
    as for your cell list - love the DNR idea - wish I could use it for facebook, lol
    new follower

  6. I belong to Diana, but I'm a good cook! Woot!

  7. Well thanks for dropping in Balanced Mom! The really sad thing is I even used JP to figure out the names of people I was going to use in the blog. I used IMDB for the rest. As far as Facebook is concerned I usually consult my cell phone before approving anyone!

  8. Chris that is a good cook and belongs to Diana: There are worse things than belonging to Diana. ;)

  9. OMG, hilarious. Can we be friends? I found you over at Friday-Follow as your avatar pic was too cute and now I know I'll like it here.

    I got the Teri Hatcher one from the first clue, but the others, not so much ... :P

  10. You have a new follower from Fiday Follow! Come visit Mama's Little Chick for a follow and come join my new blog nestwork Mama's Little Nestwork! It is an amazing group of bloggers!

    Mama Hen

  11. I'm a new follower from Friday Follow! I thought I was the only person having trouble remembering names. It was something I was great at in my twenties...but not anymore!
    Lucy's Human

  12. Andrea, Ron, Mamma Hen and Marianne, Welcome and thanks for the kind words!

  13. Oh Rikki, this was hilarious! I liked this much.

  14. I am really, really afraid to ask what mine is. No really, don't tell me.

  15. David - INTJ. Because you won't shut up about the fact that you are an INTJ. Seriously.

  16. See? I told you not to tell me and you did anyway. That's SUCH an INTJ thing to do. *snicker*


I am up, all night, waiting breathlessly for your comments, and I know where you live.